Images (L to R) by Ian O'Neill, John Ranson, Anthony Grubb, Philip Chadwick


NWPA Exhibition Rules




OPENING on 20th February 2022 - Closing 2nd April 2022


The ENTRANT must be a paid up member of a photographic club or society affiliated to the NWPA.
EVERY constituent image forming part of an entry must be originated by photographic means by the author must hold the original copyright of all such constituent parts. Prints or PDIs which have been accepted to previous exhibitions will be disqualified.
Please could you make sure when entering the exhibition that you put your last name first on the online entry form and put your email address. This is the only way we will have of contacting you.
By entering the exhibition you give consent to the NWPA to keep your email address and club details in our files.  

This year THE EXHIBITION includes 4 sections –

Print Section (2 sections).

Open colour and Open Mono, you may enter up to 6 in each section

Open Colour:
As it says OPEN but must show colour. 
Open Mono:-
As it says OPEN, but must follow PAGB mono rules as follows: 

New PAGB Mono rules apply and can be read on page 5 of the following link..

PRINTS must be:
The selected prints must be mounted on card size 50 x 40 cm and no thicker than 2.5 mm.
Additionally, each print must have a TITLE together with the entrant’s NAMEemail-ADDRESS and CLUB on the reverse TOP RIGHT of the mount. Also, should it be accepted we would also need the price you want for the print on the back. PLEASE NOTE: no email address, no entry!
You must send a pdi of your prints via the on-line entry form within the entry dates. 
Make sure they are titled correctly, the same as on the back of the print. Prints which have been accepted in any previous NWPA Exhibition will also not be judged.


PDIs (2 sections): 

Open colour and Open Mono, you may enter up to 6 in each section

Open Colour:
As it says OPEN but must show colour. 
Open Mono:-
As it says OPEN, but must follow PAGB mono rules as follows:

New PAGB Mono rules apply and can be read on page 5 of the following link..

PDIs must be:

Image size 1600 x 1200 max
Entry will be via the on-line entry form accessed through the NWPA website

IMAGES which are indistinguishable from one another, or with the same title, whether prints or projected images, will not be acceptable for judging. Images which have been accepted in any previous NWPA Exhibition will also not be judged.
ACCEPTED PRINTS have to be offered for sale {gallery requirements} and the amount expected by the author included on the back of each print... The NWPA will add other costs – gallery commission, frame cost, VAT etc
THE RIGHT of the NWPA to reproduce accepted images for the catalogue, web site {low resolution CD} is given by the author at the time of entry. COPYRIGHT remains with the author.

THE EXHIBITION ORGANISERS will endeavour to project all accepted projected images at the exhibition opening. A PDF catalogue will be sent to all entrants. The accepted images will be displayed on the NWPA. Royal Cambrian Academy, Conwy has been booked for the exhibition which will be run from Sun 10th September for 5 weeks, until 15th October.

Best Mono Print; 
Best Colour Print;

Best Mono PDI;
Best Colour PDI;
Best Nature PDI;
Best Digital Art Image; (creative)
Best Scape PDI;
Best Scape Print;

Best Photojournalism (incl. Street & Sport) PDI;
 Best Overall Score Trophy;
HM’s, C’s and Judges Awards

EVERY CARE will be taken with entries but the NWPA cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage
The link is on the website and you may enter the exhibition from 20th February until it closes on 2nd April 2022.
Prints may be handed in after the NWPA Annual print battle on 2th April or at any NWPA Executive Meeting via your club representative or ERYRI Group meeting prior to the closing date. Prints can also be delivered to Ian O'Neill, Rolf Kraehenbuehl or Linda Bell.


All entries is a flat fee of £10, so enter as much as you would like up to 24 images....

This year payment will be via Bank Transfer or by Cheque, this is due to charges that are unsutainable by Paypal. All Cheques (made out to North Wales Photographic Association) to be sent to Iona O'Neill, NWPA Treasurer, Bryn Serchog, Gellilydan Gwynedd LL41 4EG.

Bank transfer will open on the 20th February, details will apear on this web page in due course.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitat to contact Ian via this link EMAIL ME HERE!

Thank you
Ian O'Neill
Exhibition Organiser.